Laxmi Dham, also known as Narsimha Dham, is a renowned spiritual site located along the banks of the Narayani River, at the base of a mountainous forest. Just about 1 kilometer north of the temple, the Kaligandaki River merges with a stream flowing from the eastern part. The temple is situated near Devghat, a highly sacred location for Hindus due to its unique geography, shape, and its deep connections with various religious texts, including the Ramayana.
The Kaligandaki River is particularly significant as it is the only river in the world where Saligrams—sacred stones central to Vedic culture—are found. These Saligrams are considered vital in Hindu rituals, and as a result, the Kaligandaki is regarded as the purest river in Vedic tradition.
The area is famous for its beautifully crafted Hindu temples, attracting numerous pilgrims, especially from the Vaishnav sect, throughout the year. In addition to its spiritual significance, the site also offers traditional Sanskrit and religious teachings, further enhancing its cultural and religious importance.